About Wings For Kids
Our Mission
"Wings for Kids" is a Not for Profit Incorporated Organisation comprised of local community members who volunteer their time and expertise to raise funds and awareness of the group.
Past History
“Wings” commenced in this area over 30 years ago as an auxiliary of the Crippled Children’s Association (CCA) of SA.
After many years of fundraising for special needs children throughout SA and here in Sunraysia, new legislation made it impossible for our local children to be assisted through the CCA of SA.
Therefore, a decision was made to form a completely autonomous group to cater for our local “special” kids, hence Champions for Children was formed. Champions for Children operated for years successfully until 1995 when because of confusion with another like named group it was decided to re-name ourselves once more and Wings for Kids Inc (Sunraysia Mallee) was born.
Charity Tick
Wings for Kids Inc is listed and registered on the Charity Register and is regulated by the ACNC (Australian Charities & Not for Profit Commission.)
Deductible Gift Recipient
Wings for Kids Inc has over the years branched out into many varied forms of fundraising including: Christmas and Mothers’ Day Wrapping at Mildura Central, Fashion Parades, Golf Days, Cocktail Parties, Cinema Evenings, Theme Nights and Sausage Sizzles.
Local business houses and traders donate very generously and widely support our fundraisers.
Wings receive formal referrals from Allied Health Professionals (Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists etc.) Medical Practitioners, Mildura Early Learning Intervention Services and Community Care Options.
Wings have a Family Liaison Officer who acts as a link between the referee, the family and Wings members.
Contact: 0414 367 308 or email: secretary@wings4kids.net
If you would like Wings help, please fill out our application form that can be found here.